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Pages: 1
It would be better to make on-line help for macros more clear and systematized.
For example:
- to divide all macros into the groups like "Work Coordintes" (macros: WorcCoord, DynamicWorkOffsets, SetAdditionalWorkCoord,..,...), "Motion" (macros: MotionLinear, MotionRapid,...,...), "Cycles" , "Subroutines", "Compensations", ... etc.
- to add an attribute to each macro with information of belonging to the specified group
- to make possible to sort macros by specifed attribute and by name
- to add examples of G-codes for controls Fanuc, Heid, Siemens to each macro
%100 agree. It would eliminate %50 of our calls in to support, if all new macros were documented with functional examples showing the use of all macro options.
Yes, especially since some macros are intended to be called from "events," and others are called from Word/Address, etc.
Austin NC APT administrator.
Custom configure GPost for Pro/E,
and other ANC applications.
The biggest problem for machine developers like myself is to try to chase down which macro is applicable. To have them in groups would help immensely.
I would also like documentation on the syntax for using them in a subroutine. I read a post where someone wanted to be alerted to macro revisions as well.
If you scroll down to the bottom of the Macro page, you have 2 links:
See Macros Sorted by Function
See Macros Sorted by Status
I use the first one intensively.
We also made a conscious effort to give more details with the new macros we document. There is still a lot of work to do. We have a very good incentive, we also use these tools everyday.
This sounds like a crazy sequence to help you use a thread that already has gray hair, but I'll give it to you anyway:
0. if Vericut help link always opens Livecycle Designer, do step 1. If your help link opens in Acrobat or Reader, skip to step 2.
1. File>Preferences>PDF/HTML... in the Adobe field, browse to (just a guess) Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader... AcroRdxx.exe
2. after opening help, do a full reader search (shiftCtrlF)
3. search on 'listed alphabetically', and look for the link under VERICUT Macros, choose the first link.
Pages: 1