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I have a few suggestions after using VC for about a year.
It would be nice if you could place Pro/E format components in the tree.
stl & iges are subject to error, no matter how they are exported.
I run Tool Manager stand-alone from the .bat file often. Could it have a recent files list?
Could we have a checkbox/right click in the component tree to quickly turn on/off collision detection? It would help immensely with process times with out creating several machine files.
Would be nice to stay in Open G/L mode all the time. Not switch if changing to workpiece view or trying to record an AVI
A toolbar button to clear logger and reset log file all at once.
Please have ability to just hold down the mouse button or space bar to step thru/debug. Clicking the mouse repeatedly and / or space bar is redundant and irritating for fellow office engineers.
How about a cross hair or something to show the origin of a component and then be able to move it / revolve by ctrl-click and dragging?
I also requested a dxf2sor.bat file a long time ago. Any news?
Thanks. My 2 ?
All good ideas :idea:
so my 2 cents, is added your 2 cents
RE: Could we have a checkbox/right click in the component tree to quickly turn on/off collision detection?
I would also like to see a green or red light, indicating collision detection on / off right next to Busy & Optipath indicators at bottom right.
I have heard horror stories where parts were scrapped because the programmer was not consciously aware it was not on.
CGTech has it tough.
Guys like us want more buttons, and more control, and more automation.
Other guys are overwhelmed, and want all the stuff to go away except the stuff they use themselves.
Customizable User interfaces can also be a problem.
When I 1st went on catia V5, customizing all the toolbars, and finding where they were, what their names are , ....... not fun.
they'll get there one day.
have fun
Dave Frank
Aerospace Dynamics International, PCC
Valencia Ca
"Where else can you have this much fun,.......and get paid???."
It would be nice if you could place Pro/E format components in the tree.
stl & iges are subject to error, no matter how they are exported.
I agree on using a TRUE CAD format. STEP if not Pro/E. And non of this convert-it-to-stl or iges or surfaces in the background like many packages do. We have many problems with using STL files of complex stock parts and then trying to export them later.
Could we have a checkbox/right click in the component tree to quickly turn on/off collision detection? It would help immensely with process times with out creating several machine files.
Agreed, along with fixture visibility on/off.
Please have ability to just hold down the mouse button or space bar to step thru/debug. Clicking the mouse repeatedly and / or space bar is redundant and irritating for fellow office engineers.
Agreed, great idea, "click" repeat rate while holding it down could be tied to the speed slider also.
How about a cross hair or something to show the origin of a component and then be able to move it / revolve by ctrl-click and dragging?
Any kind of CAD style positioning. Also Coordinate system definition by picking surfaces from any of the models.
A lot of us have had the same ideas and even submitted similar ones. Keep it up with the ideas.
A couple more..
Would be nice to have a checkbox when you save the .usr file to save the log file with the same name.
Tool Graphics! I need the tool graphics to load with the tool tip! If I have a 5 " long tool and move 3" away from the part and then try to load a 9 " long tool, it shows collision with the part. I realize the obvious fix is to move further away, but sometimes I don't have that luxury.
How about the ability to import cutters as STL (or Step or whatever)
And what do you guys do about data management? I'm used to a locked down database of files with version and revision control, having my machine and control files sitting out in some folder scares me to death (I do have the normal windows controls in place (read only), but who is going to save me from myself?!?). Not to mention if you have to move or re-name one of those critical files, nothing knows where anything else is!!
Hey All,
Is there a way (supported or not) to modify the icons on the tool bars?
I would like to be able to edit them like AutoCAD. I might want one icon but I don't want the rest that are on that toolbar.
I could get mine down to about 10 icons on one toolbar if I had that ability.
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