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#1 2004-11-12 14:34:56

Jim Dix
Registered: 2004-11-12
Posts: 1

Multiple fixture use

I would like to be able to begin my Vericut session using a specific mill fixture (MF1); then at program stop (part is flipped-over onto different mill fixture... MF2); blank out MF1 & display MF2.  I've tried this in the latest version of Vericut & upon attempting to blank MF1 only, the other (MF2) blanks-out as well.  Is there currently a solution to this problem or is it going to be taken care of in future releases?  Thanks in advance for any responses.


#2 2004-11-12 15:24:06

Senior Member
From: Cleveland/Akron, Ohio
Registered: 2004-11-11
Posts: 79

Re: Multiple fixture use

This does work, but you must have at least 2 fixture components in the tree(with your MF1 models attached to one, and MF2 attached to the other) and you set the visibility to 0 or 3.

Vericut.usr is a great example.  Hope this helps.

Austin NC APT administrator.
Custom configure GPost for Pro/E,
and other ANC applications.


#3 2004-11-12 15:27:09

VERICUT Specialist
From: UK
Registered: 2004-10-14
Posts: 58

Re: Multiple fixture use

Don't forget if using Machine Simulation to ensure any added components are added to the Collision Detect table under Setup, Machine, Settings.


#4 2004-11-12 16:38:48

Senior Member
From: Cleveland/Akron, Ohio
Registered: 2004-11-11
Posts: 79

Re: Multiple fixture use

To set the initial visibility, right click on the fixture component(s) in the tree, click on visibility, both or blank.

To perform the change, part way through the program, see the following in vericut.usr:

>Setup >Contol >Word Format

>Setup >Contol >Word/Address >Specials

Note that in the tree, vericut used Fixture1 and Fixture2 as the names of the fixture components, and in the toolpath file library\ you will see:
(Remove fixture1)
(Attach fixture2)
(Reposition from position1 to position2)

And in >Setup >Coord. System there are csys's called position1 and position2
(Reposition from position1 to position2)

If you need more, post again.


Austin NC APT administrator.
Custom configure GPost for Pro/E,
and other ANC applications.


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