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#1 2024-11-22 18:14:58

Registered: 2024-03-13
Posts: 3

Indexable Right Angle Head

We have an El Tool indexable right angle head. In my program I am calling a subprogram to index the tool to a handful of different angles (45deg, 60deg, 120deg, etc). Is there a way I can index the tool in Vericut?

Currently I setup the tool and use a stp file for the holder. Then I manually orient the holder so it sits in the spindle correctly. I'm hoping there's a comment record to accomplish this.

The other thing I think might work is make multiple right angle head assemblies that each have a different orientation, but I'm not sure how to call each one separately if they all have the same tool number.

Any help is appreciated. If more information is needed please let me know. I'm running Vericut 9.3.2


#2 2025-03-12 06:46:07

Senior Member
From: Eindhoven, Netherlands
Registered: 2005-01-17
Posts: 167

Re: Indexable Right Angle Head

What I have done for a similar situation is to add a rotary component before the Spindle component. Us an unused axis for this. So if your machine has a A and B axis, use a C axis before the spindle.
In your index subprogram, add some logic to so that your index angle is driving the C rotary

Patrick Delisse
KMWE Aerospace
(Vericut V9.5, Siemens NX2206, Campost)


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