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#1 2020-12-10 18:34:51

Registered: 2020-03-26
Posts: 2

New to Vericut & having problems with probing

Hi All,

When I'm trying to simulate probing a hole on vericut for a 3 axis the simulation runs but I'm getting

Warning: nc_variable 2201 not defined - defaulting to 0.0
Warning: nc_variable 506 not defined - defaulting to 0.0
Warning: nc_variable 501 not defined - defaulting to 0.0
Warning: nc_variable 500 not defined - defaulting to 0.0
Warning: nc_variable 502 not defined - defaulting to 0.0
Warning: nc_variable 503 not defined - defaulting to 0.0

I copied the control file and I've been trying to fix it in the g-code processing but I'm not having any luck, please could some explain what it is or point me in the right direction to fix it




#2 2020-12-11 03:03:44

Senior Member
From: Russia
Registered: 2008-12-15
Posts: 23

Re: New to Vericut & having problems with probing

The indicated variables is not defined before it`s called in NC program. And VERICUT set zero values by default.
To fix it you should define values of variables in .def file of the control or in NC program.


#3 2020-12-11 08:17:00

Registered: 2020-03-26
Posts: 2

Re: New to Vericut & having problems with probing

Hi S_liam

Thanks for the reply

Could you post what the line would look like so I can search through vericut files to copy the format?

I've written the variables in top of the program, and it works, but where do I insert the variable in vericut, so I don't have to do this.

Thanks again

Last edited by rclegg (2020-12-11 08:26:34)


#4 2020-12-21 10:39:14

Senior Member
From: Russia
Registered: 2008-12-15
Posts: 23

Re: New to Vericut & having problems with probing

rclegg wrote:

Hi S_liam

Thanks for the reply

Could you post what the line would look like so I can search through vericut files to copy the format?

I've written the variables in top of the program, and it works, but where do I insert the variable in vericut, so I don't have to do this.

Thanks again

Any machine file could have an inicialization file. (open Machine settings - first line is Inicialization file located)
Any control file could have a *.def file. (open Advanced control settings - base control inicialization file)
You can see how variables are set in example of sin840d.ctl. This control file use sin840d.def file. In sin840d.def variables is dtermined and some of it`s has a value.
You can create your own def file and chose it for your control. And in def file you can set any variables for your control.
If your control alredy has def file, you can add new variables and set it`s values.

Last edited by s_liam (2020-12-21 10:40:24)


#5 2021-02-02 18:06:30

Beta User
From: Dallas, TX
Registered: 2004-11-11
Posts: 222

Re: New to Vericut & having problems with probing

The problem is you need extra steps to setup probing in Vericut.

501-506 are most likely the probe calibration values.  X, offset, Y offset Radius setting for tip and backoff factors.  You need to set these when the probe is turned on.   We build it into the probe software, a Vericut addition, since you don't "calibrate" the probe in Vericut as it is done on the machines.  Tip radius, and backoff factor must be set.  See probing documentation for details on these values.

The 2201 is length offset most likely.  Which length offset table is  read by the probe is set in the probe software.   You may have to adapt your control to populate the older length offset tables depending on how the probe software reads the H/D tables.


#6 2023-08-11 03:53:32

Registered: 2022-05-10
Posts: 11

Re: New to Vericut & having problems with probing

i want to create a template in Vericut to simulate probing operations. I am new to Probing in Vericut so, can you please guide me how to start & is there any help documents available to refer?


#7 2023-08-11 07:45:45

From: Crewe, England
Registered: 2007-02-20
Posts: 179

Re: New to Vericut & having problems with probing

There are a few sample vcprojects with probing, look in samples\probing this will give you a good idea what to look for.



#8 2023-08-14 05:11:45

Registered: 2022-05-10
Posts: 11

Re: New to Vericut & having problems with probing

Hi Tony,

Thanks for your reply.
I am going through the available probing templates under samples.
It is little tricky to understand as most of the variables were not defined in the word format before executing the tool path.
All the variables in the probing sub program are getting created as run time variables under that specific sub program name.

Can you please help me understanding that? I was also looking for any step by step document on how to create probing template.



#9 2023-08-16 08:15:35

From: Crewe, England
Registered: 2007-02-20
Posts: 179

Re: New to Vericut & having problems with probing

Look in the Help > Notes about Special Topics > Notes about uninitialized variables

To create a template, you need to know the type of machine kinematic, some cycles vary depending on the machine type.

Who's probing cycles are you going to be using?  Renishaw / Blum or ?



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