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When closing Vericut, the position and state of windows/screen is saved in the user-preferences file.
It would be helpful if a user could store and recall a windows layout.
This is especially useful when working on a laptop that's usually connected to multiple screens. When a user as a layout with only the graphics on one screen and the project tree, status info, NC program, Logger undocked on other screens, unplugging the laptop would cause all windows to overlap. The user has to rearrange al this to make it useable again.
If you could store a few layout's the user can simply recall the desired one.
Patrick Delisse
KMWE Aerospace -
(Vericut V9.5, Siemens NX2206, Campost)
Try this:
Copy vericut.bat to another name eg vericut_laptop.bat
Edit vericut_laptop.bat
About half way down the bat file you will see "rem set CGTECH_USERNAME=<string>"
Change this line to "set CGTECH_USERNAME=vericut_laptop" and save the bat file.
Run vericut_laptop and move the windows around and then exit.
This saves a new prefs file CGTECH_92_vericut_laptop.prefs
You just need to add a shortcut to your desktop to run vericut_laptop.bat
I'll give it a try. Thanks
Patrick Delisse
KMWE Aerospace -
(Vericut V9.5, Siemens NX2206, Campost)
Pages: 1