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#1 2019-04-23 16:00:38

Beta User
From: Dallas, TX
Registered: 2004-11-11
Posts: 222

Tolerance settings for Fixture, Stock, Design for CAD/Step files.

With CAM interfaces, Vericut software supports setting individual conversion tolerances for Fixture, stock and design files.   

There is no individual conversion tolerance  when we use the Vericut interface and import CAD files directly, stp, nx parts etc,.   Vericut defaults to the Model Tolerance.   My tests have shown setting the model tolerance to a tight resolution of .001”/.025mm is not good.   Overall performance can be degraded dramatically.

Leaving the Model tolerance at the relatively coarse setting needed for general performance causes a  step/part based Design model to generate a multitude of false gouge errors.  Making gouge checking of little use. 

Having fixtures and stock models set to a smaller tolerance than needed just adds to the general overhead.   

Having individual tolerance settings in a CAM interface and not having the same capability within Vericut is inconsistent.

When assigning CAD models for use in Vericut directly we need to be able to set the conversion Tolerance, just as we do with CAM interfaces.

I would suggest this be a general tolerance setting for each of the Fixture, Stock and Design classes as it is in the CAM systems.  Most likely added to the project properties where Model Tolerance is set.   It could also be set when the initial import is done, but that is probably a lot more coding and internal storage to remember the value for each and every component model. 

This is something that needs to be done soon to give uniform control in Vericut.   The step interface is now part of the base license, the barriers to using it correctly need to be removed.   We need to be able to use Vericut correctly with step/CAD file import.


#2 2019-06-12 15:35:04

Senior Member
From: Irvine, CA
Registered: 2004-10-08
Posts: 507

Re: Tolerance settings for Fixture, Stock, Design for CAD/Step files.

Hi Val,

This is a good idea.
But here is a workaround in 8.2.x: to change the number of triangles for a PLY for the fixtures. In the Project Tree, re-open the model

in the file open window, you have some Model Utilities on the right side.

Check the Reduce box and change the deviation tolerance.

from the Help:

Reduce — When toggled on (checked), this feature uses the specified deviation tolerance to create a new coarser model using triangle reduction, but typically has less accuracy especially in areas with curvature. The value specifies the maximum deviation that the new model can deviate (+ or -) from the original model. Reduced models are saved with the extension: …mu_reduce=[#DeviationTolerance].ply. When toggled off (not checked) no reduction is performed.

Example 1: A model reduced by 5 would produce the extension: mu_reduce=5.ply.

Example 2: A model reduced by 0.1 would produce the extension: mu_reduce=0_1.ply.


#3 2019-06-13 14:24:29

Senior Member
Registered: 2012-07-20
Posts: 47

Re: Tolerance settings for Fixture, Stock, Design for CAD/Step files.


Do you know if I can use reduce model using the batch conversor?
I build my machines and project by a VB-app that I built, so this script builds the mch and vcproject xml files for me, setting the models file location. So I don't open the file open widow to have access to this Model Utilities option. A alternative is to use batch conversors and add this trigger in my VB-app, so I will have this "benefits" from reduced models and still have the vb-app to help me build my projects.

This subject joins with the other topic about use STP files.

Igor Freitas
CNC programming
GROB - Brazil


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