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Is a Webinar to collaborate on Enhancements, issues a good idea? I think so.
I think a Webinar, with you, the Vericut users, to run down ideas and kick the tires, would benefit all concerned.
I think this should be open to all users, but especially the users that post on the future release forum, along with the beta testers and power users, people that
How would it work?
Lets say CGTech agrees this is a good idea, how would it work?
* I say each of us look at our individual ER we submitted, and come up with a list, and submit it. *
* The list could then be put into an excel spread sheet.
* There could be a survey, where people rate the ideas from 1-5.
* CGTech then whittles the list of a top N number of ideas, to boil it down to
* CGTech e-mails the list to the users a before the Webinar, asking for e-mail feedback
* Then do the Webinar. start at the top, and go down the list.
Running one of these Webinar's every 3 month and in a year, we have a lot covered.
We could have some fun and have a gong, or buzzers like on America has talent. Idol, etc. Vote the ideas off the Island.
Open dialog, in a brainstorming meeting conversation mode, is highly productive.
I have a great memory of my first VUE, in Dana Point, this must have been between 1991-1993 I don't remember. Anyway, the best part, was an open forum discussion, where Jon Prun, the President of CGTech, went down a list of questions about the direction of Vericut for the developers.
Setting priorities is the main point.
My thinking is, setting priorities is always an issue. How important is this to you. How important to the masses? Is this a single user issue, or something all are concerned about, or is it an enhancement that a larger percentage of users will find helpful.
One simple question I think is valid for we users to ask is" If the enhancement were in the product today, would you use it?
I think CGTech doe a very good job, recognizing ideas that are …. globally useful. Even if the ideas come from one individual.
Getting your favorite ER on the radar is a good point.
Lets say your Idea gets Gonged.
You can regroup, make some files or demo, and try to educate the masses, on why you need it, but also why they need it.
Getting fresh new ideas is another main point. So jump in.
Our friends at CGTech, and constantly working on keeping Vericut far and away, the best total verification system out there. Each VUE I go to, I see that 40-50% have never been to a VUE before. Lot's of new faces each year. And so fresh new ideas come from new users. So don't be shy.
Being realistic, and open minded, is also important. What in stead of How.
Now I have to tell you over the years, I have submitted a lot of enhancement requests. So were good, some really good, some bad, some really bad.
When I first got into Machine Simulation 6 years ago, I submitted a plethora of ideas, and also some complaints. In some cases, I admit, I did not know what I was talking about. While I was using Vericut for over 12 years at that time, there was a gap between the way I thought things should be, and also the way I now know things should be.
So getting a new functionality, or a problem to us solved, is more important the HOW the problem is solved. or HOW the enhancement is implemented.
Specific Things I would like to see discussed.
While a meat and potato Vericut user for almost 2 decades, I have gotten into some modules that are not really new, but new to me. I am interested in what others experience.
CatV5 and other interfaces
NC review - preview
New collision functions.
Machine simulation.
Your add your input
What you should do if you like this plan.
Just reply to this post and say "If they do such a Webinar, I'M IN"
Thanks for your time
Best Regards
Dave Frank
Aerospace Dynamics International, PCC
Valencia Ca
"Where else can you have this much fun,.......and get paid???."
"If they do such a Webinar, I'M IN"
Svante Eriksson
System owner
GKN Aerospace Engine Systems Sweden
Vericut 7.2.1, 7.3.4, 7.4 - NX 9.0.3
Hey that great!
I expect to end up with a dozen or 2 active participents.
Not everyone has ideas and the tenacity to push them thru.
It should take a few weeks for more people to see the thread.
Dave Frank
Aerospace Dynamics International, PCC
Valencia Ca
"Where else can you have this much fun,.......and get paid???."
If they do such a Webinar, I'M totally IN
Daniel Santos
If they do such a Webinar, I'M totally IN
If they do such a Webinar, I'M IN
Igor Freitas
CNC programming
GROB - Brazil