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We need to be able to attach a machine component to the workpiece view similar to how we can do it in the Machine or Machine/Cut Stock views.
With large parts or with rotations we are continually stopping, orienting and zooming to see where the cutter went. Being able to attach the Workpiece view to the spindle or similar component would allow us to follow the tool cutting and have the workpiece spin or translate as the machine positions. One workpiece window with tracking can be better than 3-4 static workpiece views.
Nice Idea Val, 8) ( I wish I thought of it 1st :mrgreen: J/K )
Let me ask you this. If they added a 4th view, a "super machine + cut stock view", do you think that would work?
Here is what I think would work, where you could do the following"
(1) The super machine + cut stock view", High resolution graphics, even at the price of speed performance,
(2),The super machine + cut stock view" would have different component visibility then the standard "machine + cut stock view", so you could have minimal machine components visible, such as tool, and spindle. This would cut down on what needs to be display, and help speed performance.
(2a) Need to add to mixed mode.
(3) Perhaps a alternate resolution graphics resolution for stock moving and not. I think Vericut already does this in the current machine + cut stock view, but again, the new view would have alternate High resolution setting.
(4) If possible, add programmer controllable, alternate high resolution settings, instead of the super machine + cut stock view"
I think the method of implementation really does not matter as long as we get the functionality we want..
How does that sound?
PS: I think this would be usable by a larger percentage of power users.
Best Regards
Dave Frank
Aerospace Dynamics International, PCC
Valencia Ca
"Where else can you have this much fun,.......and get paid???."
Dave I wish I could take credit for the idea, but I just reported the need. It is a competitive issue in my mind.
I guess what you are saying is what one of my ERs recently boiled down to. Essentially a Machine/Workpiece view.
In fact if we carry on the thinking to the logical extent why a view type at all, why not a selection of what is visible in the view. One view type with all the options. Select what to display in the view, Workpiece, Machine and individual machine component display. Workpiece resolution should be a view setting. The same way Cut tolerance is a setting. Simplify the UI and increase the users capability to control the display.
Hi Val
I think the method of implementation really does not matter as long as we get the functionality we want..
My understanding is MS view is open GL, and WP view toggles between Open GL / and .....I forget the term...... when you rotate it is open GL, and then a type B, for when it is not rotation. That is the little flicker when rotating in the WP View. With all the enhancements in hardware and software, there may be a better compromise.
Also when I said ( I wish I thought of it 1st J/K ) J/K = Just Kidding. As Ronald Reagan said, "You can accomplish great things, if you don't care about credit" ……………….. Oops, I keep forgetting 33% of the US population hate Ronaldus Maximus. But, I think most of them don’t work :smirk: …. so I think I didn't offend too many Vericut users….. Ha Ha Ha Ha
I have a phrase, not credit, but credibility. What I mean by credibility is for people that post ER's, and several of them, you earn credibility. a high percentage of the ideas good. You Val have credibility with me, and I am sure also credibility with our friends at CGTech, That equates to: when you speak, you should be listened to. And the Ideas taken seriously.
Since you already put in a ER, I will e-mail my CGTech, sales manager, and let him know this is a good one, that should make lots of happy faces across the user base, IF there is a way to get there. Can you post or PM me the ECR number?
Thanks again for taking the time to make the Vericut I // we all will have tomorrow ….. even better.
Best Regards
Dave Frank
Aerospace Dynamics International, PCC
Valencia Ca
"Where else can you have this much fun,.......and get paid???."