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Is there a way to create an file during a manual installation, which can be used as a template for further silent installations :?
I have read the documentation about silent installations, but it would be better to let an installation create the file instead of using a text editor to manually create it.
In addition must the file be named or can I have one for each platform, e.g.,, etc. :?
Stefan Pendl
Systemmanager CAD/CAM
Windows 10 x64 Edition, Vericut 9.0
I am currently using the following batch file for a silent installation on Windows x86 and x64.
Place this script in the folder where you have copied the contents of the installation CD.
If you need different settings, install manually and examine the file "{VERICUT Install Location}\Uninstaller\".
set script_path=%~dp0
set exit_code=-99
set lic_serv=CHANGE_ME
set vc_ver=622
set install_path_tmp=%ProgramFiles%\cgtech%vc_ver%
set install_path=%install_path_tmp:\=$/$%
echo USER_INSTALL_DIR=%install_path%>"%TMP%\"
if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% == x86 echo VERICUT_PLATFORMS="Windows 32-bit","">>"%TMP%\"
if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% == AMD64 echo VERICUT_PLATFORMS="","Windows 64-bit">>"%TMP%\"
echo LICENSE_SERVER_HOSTNAME="%lic_serv%">>"%TMP%\"
echo DEFAULT_BASE_LIC_VAR="1) VERICUT","","">>"%TMP%\"
echo DEFAULT_UNITS_VAR="","2) Millimeter">>"%TMP%\"
"%~dp0\install.exe" -i silent -f "%TMP%\"
if %ERRORLEVEL% GTR %exit_code% set exit_code=%ERRORLEVEL%
rem remove desktop shortcut, since it is for current user only
for %%F in ("%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\VERICUT 6*") do del /f /q "%%F"
exit /b %exit_code%
Stefan Pendl
Systemmanager CAD/CAM
Windows 10 x64 Edition, Vericut 9.0