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#1 2007-01-10 17:03:18

From: Chatsworth, CA
Registered: 2005-02-25
Posts: 42

Ceiling/Walls/Floor image environment variables

The CGTECHxxx directories are typically administrator owned or on a server and not writable by us mere users preventing  easy personalization of the floor.jpg, ceiling.jpg, x-wall.jpg and y-wall.jpg files. 

Changing the batch or script files in the commands directory to set the image environment variables only if they are not already set, similar to CGTECH_LICENSE, allows Vericut users to personalize these environment variables to use the images of their choice. 

Yes, this is really "fluff" and "bling" but fun to use anyway.

Jerry Millett


#2 2007-01-11 20:50:06

From: Chatsworth, CA
Registered: 2005-02-25
Posts: 42

Re: Ceiling/Walls/Floor image environment variables

This can be ignored.  It is resolved starting with Vericut 6.1.

Select Vericut menu item: View -> Attributes
In "View Attributes" Window:
Under General Tab: Select "Accelerated(OpenGL)" CheckBox
Select "OpenGL Settings" Tab then "Floor/Walls Textures" Tab
Set image files as desired.

Jerry Millett


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