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The CGTECHxxx directories are typically administrator owned or on a server and not writable by us mere users preventing easy personalization of the floor.jpg, ceiling.jpg, x-wall.jpg and y-wall.jpg files.
Changing the batch or script files in the commands directory to set the image environment variables only if they are not already set, similar to CGTECH_LICENSE, allows Vericut users to personalize these environment variables to use the images of their choice.
Yes, this is really "fluff" and "bling" but fun to use anyway.
Jerry Millett
This can be ignored. It is resolved starting with Vericut 6.1.
Select Vericut menu item: View -> Attributes
In "View Attributes" Window:
Under General Tab: Select "Accelerated(OpenGL)" CheckBox
Select "OpenGL Settings" Tab then "Floor/Walls Textures" Tab
Set image files as desired.
Jerry Millett