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If you open a 5.4 tool library in 6.0 and save it, you may not be able to re-open it in 6.0. The problem is caused by a bad record in the 5.4 file that is not corrected when the 6.0 file is saved.
The original file can be opened in 5.4 because 5.4's tool library file reader ignored the problem. 6.0's reader (XML syntax) cannot ignore it, and fails.
6.0.1 has been modified to correct the bad record when reading the 5.4 file. Thus the tool library saved from 6.0.1 will be correct.
If you have opened a 5.4 file in 6.0 and saved it, and now cannot open it again, you can do one of the following 2 actions to correct the problem:
Action #1
Open the 5.4 tool library again in 6.0.
Select File > Create Report > HTML
Specify a new file for the report (there is a bad character in the file name)
Press Save to make the report (this fixes the bad character)
Now save the file as a 6.0 tool library file
Action #2
Edit the 6.0 tool libary file in Notepad or another plain text editor
The 3rd line down should be something like:
Change the text between <ReportName> and </ReportName> so it looks something like:
Save the text file.
You should now be able to open the file in 6.0.
None of these fixes seem to work.
Manually editing the file works only until it is saved in vc6.
Then the garbage line comes back.
Where is 6.0.1?
Douglas W. McDowell
FPD Company
124 Hidden Valley Road
McMurray, PA. 15317
I believe you're having this problem because you're using a tool list which references another tool list? (I'll call it the "Master")
Both lists contain the Report path. So the garbage is coming back because the report path has not been modified within the Master tool list and it is overwriting the new Report path in the Slave file.
Copy them both into a new folder, edit them as BillH decsribed above, then try it again. I think you will see the results you're looking for.
I'll try that.
Douglas W. McDowell
FPD Company
124 Hidden Valley Road
McMurray, PA. 15317