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What version of Unigraphics must we run in order for the Vericut interface to work? Also, I cannot find the version 6.0 documentation for how to use the UG->Vericut interface.
The VERICUT to UG interface support the versions from UG17 to NX3.
When you launch Help, select "Goto V60 Help Library"
Select "Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces" > "CAD/CAM Interfaces" > "Unigraphics-to-VERICUT Interface(UGV)"
I noticed in the "Options" window inside of the interface that the selection for WCS is no longer available. In V5.4.4 you could select "Absolute", "MCS" or"Active WCS". In V6.0 we only have "Absolute" or "MCS/Coordinate System". We used "Active WCS" in V5.4.4 because the MCS would constantly move in the program when relocating the part in the machine from one chuck to another. The WCS method would bring the part into Vericut oriented correctly. Using what is available right now is bringing my part into the operation 90 degrees out of location. I have tried to select a coordinate system inside the interface but it does not acknowledge my highlighted selection.
You are correct, the Active WCS has been removed in V6.0.
The interface works with any saved coordinate system. The coordinate system could be oriented in any orientation you want to be.
To be able to select the WCS through the interface, you actually need to save that WCS, in order to create a selectable outline.