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The use of direct model data is on the rise. Graphics based work instructions created completely, accurately and quickly is a need. We need to interlace images and detailed information about the NC Program with shop work instructions in one file.
After exhaustive testing the current report generator can not be configured to fully meet our needs and does not appear it ever will.
The control and project files need to be configured to write images and messages to a file. The key capabilities to do this are already functions in Vericut, a few enhancements are needed to make it capable of generating work instructions configurable for the varying customer needs.
What we want to do when Vericut runs is:
A. Enable shop work instruction output
B. The .ctl file outputs information to the work instruction based on message definitions in the .ctl file.
C. Reset cut color at each tool change
D. Stop at predefined areas during the simulation and have the user set view zoom and orientation.
E. Continue on and automatically take an image snapshop.
F. Continue and repeat D-E to the end of the tape.
G. Edit the report if needed.
H. Generate a PDF work instruction contained in a single pdf file.
4 enhancements would be needed.
1. A new report/log file. Call it shopwi.log for now. It would be similar to the current log files, plain text messages would be directed to it. Example: the Info messages created with MessageMacro option 3. Preferably add an option 8 to the MessageMacro to send the message to the shopwi.log file . The existing Project, Processing Options, G-Code, Process Options , Message UI would need to be updated to allow naming of the new shopwi.log file. Similar to defining a name for the Apt or Ccode log file. Why another log file? The existing log files already have their uses and trying to convert them for this use does not seem like it would work well.
2. Add links/pointers to the saved images in the shopwi.log file. Added each time an image is created.
Current capability exists to enable us to reset cut colors and stop at key NC Program commands to allow the view(s) to be setup by the user and then have a picture generated as processing continues. Macros , vcproject settings and .ctl definitions can be used to do this.
3. Identify NC Program comment lines in a .ctl file. Be able to pass them to the shopwi.log. The comments in NC Programs are between parens, ( ), on Fanuc based NC programs. Possibly a new macro that would be usable in the Events area, or any other area of the .ctl file. PassCommentToLogOn{OVERRIDE_VALUE 1-8 ) PassCommentToLogOff with message type options 1-8 similar to the MessageMacro.
4. Allow previewing and editing of the report and PDF creation. .Automation can do 90-99% of the creation, but experience shows we will need editing abilities for clarification and update maintenance. 2 ways of doing this.
Option A. Most valuable in our view. We want to be able to edit the shopwi.log with notepad or similar, before the PDF conversion. Why? HTML/PDF editors are not readily available to all users and not all users are proficient in these editors. Most all can do simple ascii file editing. This could be similar to editing the NC Program file. If CGTech wants fonts etc defined for the PDF conversion make them variables defined in the vericut.bat. Users should be able to move the images/links in the report as needed.
Option B. PDF output would have to be fully editable with a PDF editing tool. Text is seen as text, searchable etc. An external tool would be needed to edit the PDF file after creation by Vericut.
With these enhancements and existing functions, Vericut could be configured to generate the reports we need. Created in a matter of minutes instead of hours it now takes to create and maintain a similar document currently.
5 Additional enhancement possibilities to add value to the report generation.
A Highlight, label or show the first and last cut of the current tool when an image is created. This ability to show first/last cut already exists in the Inspection report
B. Be able to read the content of a comment line and do a condition check on it. CAD systems may generate many comments we do not want in the report.
Example .ctl entry. Read a comment and output it to shopwi as long as it does not contain ":"
C. A .ctl command to zoom and align workpiece views automatically around the cut part. Zoom based on Workpiece envelope and the view orientation based on the current "Spindle" axis in relation to the cut stock.
D. To aid formatting have an option in the MessageMacro to output a message without a CR, carriage return, so multiple messages could be stacked on one line
Perhaps have a message macro to identify the comments and have the simulation stop/pause to prompt " Do you want to output this comment to the report?" or just automatically do it and make it an easily editable format. Not HTML or XML.
I like the idea of an automatic screenshot output to a file with the program comments. We, like you, are trying to eliminate the paper hardcopy in the shop. One electronic version means no revision control and it can't be lost as well. The current report format is limited at best. Perhaps if you run production the custom interface works, but it doesn't make sense for us.
You could setup the screenshots to be output with tool change, comments, whatever flag you wanted. We utilize the AVI function extensively, but with long cycle times it's not a realistic option.
I know there is the Optipath API but I'm not a Visual C programmer nor do I wish to become one.
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