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I installed the release version of Vericut 6.0 and the 64 bit dll isn't loading correctly on our system:
<error message>
Unable to access shared library D:\cgtech60\windows64\vericut\CGTech.dll: This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
</error message>
(it doesn't)
size of 32 bit dll - 6,791,168 bytes
size of 64 bit dll - 8,482,304 bytes
OS Version - XP Porfessional x64 Edition SP 1
any ideas?
Edit D:\cgtech60\windows64\commands\vericut.bat, and add the command shown in Bold below. This will create a file called debug.txt, please send it to Tech Support, it will not fix it, but might give us some clues on what is happening.
if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" set start_cmd=start "VERICUT" %waitopt%
if "%OS%" == "" set start_cmd=start %waitopt%
set > c:\temp\debug.txt
%start_cmd% "%CGTECH_JRE%\bin\javaw" -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -Xms16m -Xmx64m -Xss4m -classpath "%CGTECH_CLASSES%;%CGTECH_CLASSES%\CGTech.jar;%CGTECH_CLASSES%\iText.jar;%CGTECH_CLASSES%\iTextAsian.jar" Vericut %argstr%
We are still investigating the reason for the error. A solution will be published soon.
Thank you for your patience.
VERICUT fails on 64bit Windows because a "redistribution" of the Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2005 runtime environment is required on the computer. We failed to notice this change (from Visual Studio 6.0 to 2005 versions).
If you have Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2005 installed, you will not need the "redistribution". But this is not usually available for a normal VERICUT user.
We are currently investigating the best way to handle the "redistribution".
If you have a computer science orientation, and are interested in our options, have a look at:
We will likely go with option #3 since it does not require administrator priv's.
We expect to have a solution to distribute by early next week.
Sorry for the trouble for those of you waiting to try the x64 version of VERICUT.
PS I believe Chris found a work-around to this problem by installing the .NET developer's framework. But we had some trouble implementing it on our end, and are not sure it will work for everyone.
I've posted a comprehensive list of problems/solutions for running VERICUT 64 bit on Windows XP64, on this forum page.
Okay where is the fix for this? I loaded 6.0.2 and have the same problem.