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We made a lot of code enhancement in UGV to work with IMAN.
For example:
If no IMAN is used, VERICUT ask UG to write STL file of design model.
If IMAN is used, VERICUT ask IMAN to ask UG to write STL file. File is automatically written to special "temporary" IMAN folder.
UGV automatically detects when running with IMAN installation. There are many special IMAN functions in UGV for requesting and writing data.
IMAN automatically saves the VERICUT data in the special "temporary" IMAN folder with the IMAN project. At the end of the Unigraphics session, IMAN prompts the user to save it.
PDM technology uses a word, "meta-data". "meta data" is data with unknown content, but is controlled by PDM software. For example, an Excel or Word file is "meta data" for most PDM software. VERICUT files are "meta-data". They have unknown content, but are controlled by IMAN.
Implementing UGV in IMAN installation
Running Unigraphics with IMAN is different than running only Unigraphics. When running Unigraphics with IMAN, the user first runs IMAN, then he asks IMAN to open a Unigraphics part.
There is a startup script that starts Unigraphics within IMAN (START_UGMANAGER.BAT file on Windows). This script must be modified to include all the content of ugv_nx2.bat (c:\cgtech542\windows\commands) except the first and the 2 last lines of the file. The UGV content must be inserted above the command that launches Unigraphics. This way, IMAN knows about VERICUT and about UGV. This is usually done by the IMAN site administrator.
The IMAN site administrator then needs to configure IMAN to recognize the VERICUT files as ?meta-data?. An entry must be made for each extension (.usr, .mch, .ctl, .tls, .opti, .swp, .sor, .vct, etc?)
I'd like to know more about using Vericut with an IMAN installation. I'd like information about setting up the Vericut files in IMAN. What files do I need to setup, (are there more than listed) and could someone give an example on how to do this.